Blue Ridge Parkway: America’s Favorite Scenic Drive, with Tubby Kubik (Executive Director, Blue Ridge Parkway Association)

In this episode I sit down with Tubby Kubik, Executive Director of the Blue Ridge Parkway Association and we chat about the history of the Parkway, the unique characteristics of the Blue Ridge Mountains, resources to make your visit and exploration of the Parkway and Southern Appalachian towns as enjoyable as possible, and some secrets for escaping the crowds while still seeing amazing Fall Color.
MEET THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY: The Blue Ridge Parkway, affectionately known as America’s Favorite Scenic Drive, is a 469-mile road that runs mostly along the spine of the Blue Ridge Mountain connecting Shenandoah National Park in (Virginia) and Great Smoky Mountains National Park to the south. This iconic scenic byway passes through some of the Some of the oldest mountains in the world, The highest mountain peak in the eastern United States (Mount Mitchell), The oldest river in North America (New River), The deepest gorge east of the Grand Canyon (Linville Gorge) – The highest waterfall east of the Rockies (Whitewater Falls).