Enchanting Vistas From North Carolina’s Lookout Towers with Peter Barr

In the early 20th century, forestry agencies constructed dozens of lookout structures atop western North Carolina’s mountains as the backbone of a fire detection system. Many of these lookouts survive in North Carolina today, and they represent some of the most scenic destinations for hikers who want to see the incredible vistas of the southern Appalachian Mountains.
In this episode, I sit down with Peter Barr, Author of Exploring North Carolina’s Lookout Towers, an incredible book that leads outdoor enthusiasts to the spellbinding panoramic vistas from 28 of western North Carolina’s still-standing historic fire towers. Part hiking guide, historical anthology, and part photography collection, this book contains fascinating stories about the history and folklore of the lookouts & their fire lookout inhabitants, a detailed guide of hikes and drives to each, and details about the views from the top.

Peter is also an accomplished hiker and peakbagger, land conservationist, trail builder…and in this episode we’ll reveal his newest adventure and undertaking.
Buy The Book: https://nclookouts.com
The Author: https://nclookouts.com/author/
The Photographer: https://www.kadamsphoto.com
Awesome Maps Provided By Jack Henderson, Pisgah Map Company
Conserving Carolina: https://conservingcarolina.org
Mike Andress, Host
Exploration Local Podcast
Email: mike@explorationlocal.com
Website: https://explorationlocal.com/
Instagram: explorationlocal
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