Important Perspectives On Working Together To Ensure A Vibrant Future For The Outdoor Economy And Our Outdoor Communities w/ Gayle Conelly Manchin & D. Reid Wilson
Outdoor Economy Conference
I recently had the privilege of attending the 4th Annual Outdoor Economy Conference in Cherokee, North Carolina, where 600 outdoor industry businesses, conservationists, public land managers, development experts, nonprofit & government leaders, and entrepreneurs are looking to grow the outdoor industry in their communities and craft an economy that’s intimately tied to the quality and health of their places.
I had the distinct honor of sitting down with D. Reid Wilson, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, who is implementing the largest investment in outdoor recreation in North Carolina’s history, and Gayle Conelly Manchin, Federal Co-Chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission.
In this episode we talk about how the beauty and diversity of the natural assets in North Carolina and the Appalachian Region have helped to help grow the outdoor economy in the region. We talk about how mountain communities & gateway towns in the region are embracing their proximity to natural assets and outdoor recreation, and how they’re bolstering quality of life both for residents and potential outdoor recreation employers like manufacturers, guide services, lodging and food, and all sorts of artisans. We also discuss how businesses are drawn to communities that offer employees access to outdoor recreational opportunities & a higher quality of life.
Special Thanks & Recognition To:
Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians
Outdoor Economy Conference
North Carolina Outdoor Industry Recreation Industry Office
Outdoor Gear Builders of WNC
Mountain BizWorks
Western Carolina University